COM4LAB - two new courses in communications engineering!

Detailansicht des COM4LAB-Kursboards der Nachrichtentechnik, LD DIDACTIC

RxTx 1 & 2 are the new COM4LAB courses in communications engineering.
Get to know them today.

COM4LAB: ME5.1.1 RxTx 1 - Analogue transmission techniques AM, FM & PSK

This COM4LAB course covers the superheterodyne architecture and the basic analogue modulations AM, FM & PSK.

Learning objectives:

  • Identify components of a transmitter and receiver system
  • Learn to measure signals in different frequency ranges
  • Recognise parameters influencing radio link quality

Directly to the equipment ME5.1.1NEW: to the online demo course

COM4LAB: ME5.1.2 RxTx 2 - Digital modulations QPSK & QAM

In this COM4LAB course, the different digital modulations such as QPSK and QAM are compared and analysed using measurement technology.

Learning objectives:

  • Modulation and demodulation of digital signals with shift keying
  • Representation in the IQ constellation diagram and in the spectrum
  • Useful and signal bandwidths
  • Quality of service: data rates, bit error rates


Directly to the equipment ME5.1.2