Press release: Shaping the future: LD DIDACTIC sparks enthusiasm for STEM education

Frau Dr. Willnow (ganz rechts) von der LD DIDACTIC zeigt den Schülerinnen und Schülern das digitale Schülermessgerät und die App für Handy und Tablet zum Messen der Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit.

Practical experiments as the key to motivation: an inspiring insight into the MILeNa elective workshop

Hürth, 15 December 2023 - LD DIDACTIC, known for innovative teaching materials under the LEYBOLD brand, organised an exciting workshop entitled "Hands-on STEM experiments" in the run-up to Christmas. The focus was on promoting STEM education (maths, IT, science and technology) through practical experiments. The workshop was part of the MILeNa programme, which aims to inspire pupils to become teachers in STEM subjects.

The pupils were able to immerse themselves in the world of physics, chemistry and biology in the specially equipped LD DIDACTIC exhibition room. Questions such as "What causes X-rays?", "How do you build a laser?" and "How do nerves work?" were explored in over 15 hands-on experiments. Product managers from the LD team also presented state-of-the-art physical devices, including an X-ray machine, in a fascinating show.

The enthusiasm of the pupils was clear to see. They were fascinated by the opportunity to actively learn through their own experiments and gain a wide range of insights into the exciting fields of science. The combination of practical experiments and demonstrations of more complex devices was well received and left a lasting impression.

Teachers praised the quality of the experimental materials and measurement technology. Mrs Wand from Friedrich-Wilhelm-Gymnasium, Cologne said: "As a teacher, I am impressed by the didactic quality of these experiments. They offer a perfect mix of hands-on and innovative technology, which provides valuable experience in the classroom."

Dr Sophie Willnow, Head of Product Management Natural Sciences at LD DIDACTIC, emphasised: "Our passion at LD DIDACTIC lies in experimentation and it's great to see how this workshop has inspired the students. We want to provide pupils with exciting science lessons."

Mr Winkens from the MILeNa programme added: "The enthusiasm and commitment of the pupils show that we are on the right track with workshops like the one at LD today to inspire future teachers for STEM subjects."

The workshop impressively demonstrated that experimentation is fun and promotes an understanding of the world. An important step towards future teaching in STEM subjects and modern, hands-on science education for future generations, supported by the LEYBOLD brand.

About MILeNa

The MILeNa programme (STEM teacher trainee promotion) promotes enthusiasm for studying to become a teacher. It is offered by various universities in North Rhine-Westphalia, such as RWTH Aachen University, and is supported by the LD DIDACTIC Group, among others. It enables pupils to independently prepare and conduct STEM lessons at their schools and take part in elective workshops.


The LD DIDACTIC Group develops, produces and distributes high-quality experimentation and teaching systems as well as educational technologies for science and technology lessons. Under the brands ELWE, Feedback and LEYBOLD, the group serves schools, vocational schools and universities. Founded in 1850, the Hürth-based group distributes its products and solutions in Germany and worldwide.


Leyboldstr. 1
50354 Hürth
Andra Dempzin