Safely through the Abitur with our Mobile-CASSY 2 WLAN hand-held measuring device

Schülerversuch aus der Physik LP9.2.3.1C Gedämpfter Schwingkreis mit dem Schülermessgerät Mobile-CASSY 2 WLAN für sichere Messungen im Abitur

The Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family presents the main topics in relation to digital data acquisition with sensors for "contemporary" physics lessons in the published Fachbrief 19. For the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg, these are already mandatory for the Abitur 2025.

Our universal handheld measuring device - the Mobile-CASSY 2 WLAN - is therefore the ideal solution for digital measurement acquisition in the upcoming Abitur examinations.

  • We would like to give you an insight into its outstanding functions and possible applications, especially with regard to your Abitur examinations.
  • Suitable for all measurement tasks and topics in physics, chemistry and biology
  • voltage, current, power, energy and temperature can be measured directly without additional accessories
  • compatible with over 60 CASSY sensors S and M and automatic sensor recognition
  • simple configurability enables restricted access for students, e.g. during examinations (examination security)
  • Fast measured value recording - up to 500,000 values per second
  • Measurements can be taken offline - without an internet connection or other devices
  • In conjunction with the Lab Docs interactive test instructions, the measurement results are transferred directly to the instructions. The result is an interactive protocol for up to four students per CASSY at the same time
  • The combination of Mobile-CASSY 2 WLAN and the browser-based "CASSY.App Web" realises free experimentation in student groups with their own tablets, smartphones or PCs

The Mobile-CASSY 2 WLAN is used successfully in numerous schools. Would you like to find out more?

References Directly to the Mobile-CASSY-2 WLAN