Science Lab Arduino IT1 - Experimental set for programming microcontrollers

Beim Schülerversuch Science Lab Arduino lernen Schülerinnen und Schüler spielerisch die Welt der Mikrocontroller-Programmierung kennen. Die Abbildung zeigt den Inhalt sowie den Schub Science Lab Arduino IT1.

Microcontrollers are present in numerous areas of our daily lives. We find them in everyday devices such as temperature controllers, alarm systems, toys and even in the smart home sector.

With the Science Lab Arduino IT1 experiment kit, your pupils can playfully explore the fascinating world of technology step by step and learn about the interplay between programming and electronics. They can write programmes that perform real-life tasks, such as controlling lighting, motors or sensors.

The experiment set comprises a total of 14 experiments and all materials are supplied in quadruplicate.

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