Integration of smart building management systems

Smart building management systems combine safety, reliability and energy efficiency. LEYBOLD's innovative training systems offer exciting, practical learning content for trainees with the aim of independently planning and realising complex and smart building installations. Thanks to our experiments, trainees gain skills and knowledge for interconnecting all systems within a building in their future careers. This enables them to play an active role in transforming a building into a smart, energy-efficient and secure home through centralised control.

Comprehensive installation technology

The LEYBOLD installation wall is the ideal training system for the basics of electrical installation circuits. Trainees can practise and check the correct installation of sockets and switches in a safe and flexible environment. 

The installation wall enables:

  • Installation of sockets, switches and fuse boxes
  • Introduction to smart home systems and their configuration
  • Network technology with and without power over Ethernet

Final tests of electrical systems and the safe commissioning of building installations complete the comprehensive course programme.

Renewable energies: Focus on photovoltaics

The trainees expand their knowledge and skills by installing state-of-the-art photovoltaic systems. With our TPS system, they are independent of the weather when conducting experiments on the following topics:

  • Optimum alignment of solar panels
  • Functions of inverters
  • Energy storage
  • Safe installation of solar systems

To the TPS photovoltaic system

For a more in-depth understanding of photovoltaics, we further recommend our STE solar case (learn more) and the COM4LAB course "Photovoltaics" (learn more).

Safety first

Safety must be trained. Conformity with VDE standards is an essential aspect of training, especially for domestic installation systems with various electric circuits and consumers. LEYBOLD's training systems familiarise trainees with VDE standards and ensure a strong safety awareness and correct safety practices right from the start. With an extensive portfolio of fault simulators, LEYBOLD enables trainees to practise analysing functions and detecting, isolating and rectifying faults or malfunctions in different network systems in a practical, systematic and independent manner. These skills are essential as employers and customers expect professionals to work to these standards to ensure both safety and legal compliance in their professional practice.

Learn more on protective measures and fault simulators

Smart Building with EIB/KNX

The EIB/KNX basic system, specially developed for the European Installation Bus/Konnex, is the ideal learning platform for independent laboratory exercises. As a ready-to-use system, it demonstrates the core features and advantages of the EIB/KNX by integrating all the necessary components for learning through experiments. With the combination of devices, all classic lamp circuits such as off, changeover, staircase switching and much more can be realised using bus technology. The system can be extended with additional EIB/KNX equipment to learn other aspects of centralised building automation, including lighting management and security-related alarm systems. This training system is indispensable for training specialists in modern building management systems and equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills for the planning, installation and maintenance of building automation systems.

View the EIB/KNX equipment sets