Communicating complex concepts safely and clearly

Based on over 170 years of expertise in the development and production of teaching materials, LEYBOLD presents a wide range of demonstration experiments. Some scientific experiments are too complex or dangerous to perform as student experiments. LEYBOLD understands that teachers and lecturers need demonstration experiments that are both easy to perform and show impressive effects. The experiments are designed so that they can be prepared and carried out with minimum effort yet achieving maximum learning effects for students. Over 750 physics experiments and more than 150 chemistry/biology experiments enable teachers and lecturers to visualise scientific phenomena and thus awaken students' understanding and curiosity.

Durability and excellent support

The LEYBOLD demonstration experiments can be set up quickly and easily and carried out reliably. This means they can be seamlessly integrated. Our experiments are carefully designed and offer comprehensive instructions with lots of information and analyses. The clear arrangement of devices, cables and tubes as well as the logical experiment steps make it easier to carry out the experiments. The experimental objects and measuring devices are always in the foreground and are clearly visible even from a distance.

Our devices are known for their durability and robustness. In addition, LEYBOLD offers a comprehensive spare parts service and technical support to ensure that the experiment sets are always ready for use. LEYBOLD's commitment to quality is evident in our own glass workshop and in the continuous development of our products through collaboration with teachers, lecturers and students.

Equipment management is made much easier with LeyLab, LEYBOLD's online portal. Teachers, lab manager and lecturer can take an inventory of devices (all brands not only LEYBOLD) and manage their locations. Every LEYBOLD demonstration experiment can be found quickly in LeyLab. Both the experiment instructions and the list of required equipment are stored at the respective experiment, which saves time and simplifies organisation.

CASSY system

Versatility and precision for scientific demonstration experiments

With the CASSY system, LEYBOLD offers a comprehensive measurement solution for demonstration experiments in the subjects of physics, biology and chemistry. The system is characterised by its flexibility, allowing to select the appropriate measuring devices based on their individual measurement requirements. The Worlddidac Award-winning Sensor-CASSY 2 is the most popular measuring device for demonstration experiments. This state-of-the-art measuring device covers a wide range of measurement requirements. The connection with the user-friendly CASSY Lab 2 software enables the measurement values to be recorded and the measurement data to be analysed and interpreted in detail.

Digital integration

in demonstration experiments

Using QR codes from CASSY Lab 2, the measurement data from the demonstration experiments can be easily shared with students. Students can follow measurements directly on their tablets in real time and they can choose between different data views, like values tables and diagrams. Also, students can analyse the results. This interactive method increases student engagement and understanding by allowing them to actively participate in the experiment from the comfort of their workstations.

Innovative learning experience with virtual experiments

With virtual experiments, LEYBOLD presents an innovative solution that actively involves classes in demonstration experiments. Each student receives access to the virtual experiment of the real experiment shown in front of the class via QR code or link. The virtual experiment contains digital experiment instructions, integrated set-up and experiment videos as well as all measurement data and complete evaluation options. Students can watch the experiment again and again and have all the measurement data available for individual evaluation. The virtual experiments offer a safe and interactive learning experience.