Simple digital support for real experiments

Digital technologies make it possible to organise experimentation in a way that corresponds to students' use of media. The focus here is on real experiments that are supported by digital tools. This approach makes it easier for teachers to make lessons lively and vivid and for lectures to integrate digital media into lab work without losing the essence of experimental learning. By actively carrying out real experiments, students can develop a deep understanding of scientific processes and develop the digital and experimental skills required by the curriculum. 

LEYBOLD's innovative solution is based on Wi-Fi technology and enables experiments in STEM subjects to be performed with the support of any tablet, smartphone or laptop. At the heart of the digital solution are the unique Lab Docs experiment instructions and the interactive CASSY measurement technology.

Time-saving lesson preparation with LeyLab

Teachers and lecturer benefit from effective and flexible planning of their experiments with LeyLab. In the online portal, they can quickly find experiments on the desired topic, immediately receive all the necessary information and see whether the required equipment is available. The Lab Docs digital experiment instructions, including sample solutions, are directly integrated. Students receive the materials simply and paperless via QR code or a link in each learning platform. No installations or updates are necessary, which simplifies handling. Lab Docs can be quickly customised with our editor software or completely new worksheets can be created for individual lesson design.

Brimming with enthusiasm in student experiments

using tablets, smartphones or laptops.

Students open the shared Lab Docs in the browser of their devices without installation. The easy-to-understand experiment instructions allow experiments to be set up quickly and safely. A group of students with up to four mobile devices simply connect to the same Mobile-CASSY 2 so that each group member can follow the measurement on their own device and receive the measured values for their own protocol and individual evaluation. The Mobile-CASSY 2 Wi-Fi automatically adopts the settings for the respective experiment from the Lab Doc, which saves time. Alternatively, student groups can experiment freely with the CASSY.App Web – again, no installation is necessary.

Teachers can use the CASSY Control Center to keep track of all Mobile-CASSYs and provide targeted support. In addition, the CASSY Control Center enables the presentation of results on a digital whiteboard and the comparison of measurement results from several devices, which makes lessons and lab work more interactive and supports the discussion as an important part of the scientific learning process.

Interactive demonstration experiments with digital media

Demonstration experiments can also be given an interactive dimension with digital media. The CASSY Lab 2 software makes it easy to load complex experiments, including all settings, visualisations and formulas for evaluation. Students can also follow the measurements in real time on their tablets and smartphones, which encourages active participation. They scan a QR code and choose directly in the browser between measured value display, table display or diagrams. After completion, the data can be saved locally for analyses and reports.

Digital follow-up of the experimentation lesson

After the experiment, the experimental equipment is quickly returned to their storage location due to well-thought-out storage solutions and digital equipment management. Thanks to an intelligent charging solution, the Mobile-CASSY 2 measuring devices can be recharged unattended so that all materials are always ready for use.

At school, university or at home, students can analyse their measurement data in the Lab Doc, answer questions and submit their digital protocols via a learning platform or as a PDF file. CASSY measurements can also be further processed in common programmes. The status of submissions can be monitored, and feedback provided via the familiar learning platform. For the automatic analyses there is a direct link if Microsoft Teams & Moodle-based platforms are used by LeyLab. Other platforms are also supported.

LEYBOLD's virtual experiments furthermore offer an innovative option for follow-up work. These allow students to view the demonstration experiments as videos on their tablet or laptop at any time. The measured values for analysing and evaluating appear synchronously with the video.