Science Kit - KS Riedenburger model - new lockers for grades 6 and 7

Riedenburger Modell | Ein Schüler experimentiert mit einem Bunsenbrenner und einer Flamme, LD DIDACTIC

Now available from us!

Teaching nature and technology outside the subject with the Riedenburger model

The Riedenburger model was developed by teachers for teachers in order to quickly and easily integrate (student) experiments into science and technology lessons, even if these are carried out by teachers outside their subject area.

One cabinet - one year level

All experiments of one year level in one colour-coded cabinet!

One drawer - one experiment

The system offers curriculum-compliant experiments with an "aha" effect. Materials for 5 groups of pupils are stored in a drawer with detailed experiment instructions (including photos of the drawer in place), a storage plan and "Tips for teachers" so that you can start teaching straight away.

Simple, safe and time-saving teaching

Go directly to the class 6 cupboard

Directly to the class 7 cupboard

More information about the Riedenburger model? Click here