Check out our standard lab for electric vehicles

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Wide range of training systems for electric vehicle technology

High-voltage systems of electric vehicles - diverse approaches and different training systems are needed to teach this complex topic to trainees competently. This is the best way to ensure that the various learning levels can be properly catered for. From beginners with none or only little knowledge to advanced learners, our unique trainings systems offer the right system for every requirement. Electric load safety for the user is our top priority. Our systems are also flexible and open to upgrades, for example to respond to new types of cells in battery technology.

  • Implementation of the ECE R100 specifications for electric vehicles in the training system
  • Support for various current and future battery cell chemistries
  • Realistic approach used as emergency responses for electric vehicles involved in accidents

Visit our high-voltage training systems

Fundamentals of electrics/electronics

Fundamentals of electrics and high voltage technology

Electrical machines in hybrid and electrical cars

Workstation vehicle hybrid drive


Vehicle high voltage technology

High voltage battery technology

High voltage vehicle technology

Electric vehicles
e.g. VW e-up
Offer on request

Charging station training system: Charging technology made understandable

Open the black box "charging station" and make the invisible visible and realistic: This is possible with our training system on the topic of charging electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. The didactically prepared charging station makes all processes transparently visible and enables trainees to understand the charging process as an interaction between the energy supply network and the vehicle. In addition, integration into smart home solutions is child's play, so that the processes from solar energy generation to the use of green energy in the electric vehicle can be consistently interlinked.

  • Didactic system integration of an original charging controller
  • Compatibility with several high-voltage training systems
  • Integrated single-phase cable charging adapter

Go to the electric vehicle charging station